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My app isn't activating a card reader
Please check the following: A) Logged in B) You have a valid virtual card for the site you are at and that it is not expired. C) Check with the site admin, that you are allowed through the door / gate at this time. Your entry may be restricted by the ...
How does 5dkey LITE communicate with smart locks
5dkey LITE communicates with bluetooth.
What is the difference between NEAR ME and ALL app filter
Near me just shows devices (card readers and smart locks) that are in bluetooth range All shows all vCards (Virtual Proximity Cards) and eKeys that have been assigned to you.
My phone activates the card reader from a distance
Please contact your system administrator to reduce the read range. If you have an Anrdoid phone, some models have sensitive BLE settings. In this case click on the device in your NEAR ME or ALL list, this will take you to the device settings page. ...
What does the 5dkey app do?
The 5dkey app is a wallet for vCards (Virtual prox cards) and eKeys (electronic keys) vCards are a replacement for physical proximity cards. The work via Bluetooth or NFC to transmit secure card data to dedicated Safetrust card readers HID Readers ...